School Presentations

Over 121,000 students across the country have seen the Jellyfish Project school presentation!

The Jellyfish Project provides students with a unique experience to learn about ocean health, biodiversity and the climate crisis, motivating them to become active environmental stewards. What makes our program unique is that the presenters are professional, young musicians with the passion and charisma to draw the students in and attract their attention to our thought-provoking and hope-provoking messages.

Some of the topics touched upon include ocean acidification, fossil fuel emissions, pollution & plastics, deforestation, and the changing climate. However, the majority of the presentation is solutions-oriented with ‘good news’ stories, including renewable energy initiatives, green career ideas, and examples of opportunities for youth to engage in positive environmental action.

Our intention is to deliver a message of hope to help mitigate the fear and helplessness students may be feeling by empowering them with the knowledge that they, as youth, can become instruments of change and that every individual action, no matter how big or small, is impactful.

The Jellyfish Project presentation is currently geared towards middle and high school students grades 6-12. The performance time depends on the amount of block time we are allotted by each school as well as the age range of the audience. Generally, the presentations are 60 minutes which includes the musical performance, a multimedia slideshow, and time for discussion.


Virtual Presentations

We are happy to offer our presentation virtually, live-streamed to students in classrooms or studying from home.

Live Presentations

We are excited to announce that we have resumed our live, in-school presentations for audiences of any size!